High Schooler
August/September 2024
Okay, so I have a question and it's kind of embarrassing to even ask, but here goes. Homecoming is coming up, and there’s this person I really (REALLY) want to ask... but I have no clue how to do it without it being super awkward. Like, what if they say no? Or what if it just gets weird afterward?
I don’t want to do anything over-the-top, like those crazy promposals or whatever, but I also don’t want it to be too boring either. Like, "Hey, wanna go to homecoming with me?" just seems... lame? I’m stuck between being casual and doing something that’s actually cute (but not too cringey). Ugh, I don't know.
What would you do?? I feel like I’m going to make it awkward no matter what, so any advice would be a lifesaver!