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SAQ Prompt

Writer: The Write Way SVA Literary MagazineThe Write Way SVA Literary Magazine


November/December 2024


  1. Identify one major product or technology exchanged along the Silk Road and briefly explain how it affected a society involved in this trade network. 

A) One major product that was exchanged along the Silk road was silk and affected society through its demand.

C) Silk's demand was really high for the uses it had towards weaving. It originated from China and raised China's status through demand. The export of silk raised China's economy to peak as it was highly demanded and prized throughout the Silk road and Europe.

E) Silk's high demand created a Chinese silk industry, later on fueling technological advancements from the use of silk. It elevated China's trading power and many saw it as a luxury good.

    2.   Explain one way the Silk Road facilitated cultural 

          exchange between different regions, and provide            an example of a cultural or religious idea that spread as a result.

A) The Silk Road facilitated cultural exchange between different regions by enabling the trade between merchants who shared similar languages in common.

C) For example, Buddhism had spread from India to China, as Japan spread through monks and Silk road traders.

E) These examples of diffusion led to the establishment of monasteries and profoundly influencing traditions of East Asia. The silk road also served as a conductor towards intercultural blending from religious philosophies.

  1. Describe one impact the Silk Road had on the development of cities along the trade routes, and explain how this development influenced local economies.

A) The Silk road used religion as a development toward the development of cities, boosting the economy and demand of luxury goods found throughout specific cities.

C) One city that had boosted its economy from the spread of religion would be Samarkand, that exchanged the diffusion of religion and brought merchants to trade for luxury goods of certain cities.

E) Religion being diffused and spread along the Silk road had not only helped it's beliefs and believers grow, but it had also in exchange helped develop the growth of cities and hubs that had used the help of religion to support its economy and expand the peak of it's economy throughout the travelling merchants and trades.


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