Emorie Zaharris
Sophomore High School Student
November/December 2024
Identify one major product or technology exchanged along the Silk Road and briefly explain how it affected a society involved in this trade network.
One major product exchanged along the Silk Road was steel, manufactured in China. The increased demand of steel began a period of proto-industrialization, allowing China to create new business practices. This product exchanged along the Silk Road affected both the countries buying it for construction products, as well as China itself to undergo a period of proto-industrialization.
Explain one way the Silk Road facilitated cultural exchange between different regions, and provide an example of a cultural or religious idea that spread as a result.
One way the Silk Road facilitated cultural exchange between different regions was through creating centers for trading goods with multiple religions present. For example Samarkand, a stopping point on the Silk Road between China and the Mediterranean, was known for its centers of Islamic learning and decorated mosques while its archaeological remains display the presence of diverse religions. By creating a cultural exchange between the different regions in Smarakand, it spread Islamic ideals to various religions across the Silk Road.
Describe one impact the Silk Road had on the development of cities along the trade routes, and explain how this development influenced local economies.
One impact the Silk Road had on the development of cities along the trade routes was how they became thriving centers of trade and sought out centers of food and water. The Silk Road stretched over periods of inhospitable terrain where water and food was scarce, making the cities along the trade route valuable for its abundance of food and water as well as its bustling marketplaces. This development influenced the cities positively and their economy benefited from the abundance of travelers passing through.