Grace Gardner
High School Freshman
February 2023
Last night I fell asleep and dreamt
This might seem a foolish thing to dwell on
For those who always dream
As the sun sets they visit far off lands and dream of their funny little happy things
But the boy who came to visit me
Last night in my dreams
He told me of a hummingbird with rather slow moving wings
This hummingbird, it came to him one day on the beach
The boy had ridden his brand new bike all 3 miles to where the shore materialized
When suddenly, a bird fell from the sky
Now this bird, it squalled and it shrieked
As one would if they lost the might to fly
But the boy did not scream, nor did he move an inch
He simply stared at this bird and wondered where it came from
As this was not an animal that was coastally custom
It was a hummingbird, small, meek, and with the slightest touch it would flinch
Now the boy took this bird home and nursed it back to health
Its wings could flap again and the hummingbird chirped
The boy was elated, and he sent the bird back to its perch
And the hummingbird was safe once again-
But no one wants to be separated from their savior, do they?
So the hummingbird flew right on back to the boy
And broke its poor wings yet again
Yet again, the boy nursed the bird back to health
And this cycle repeated dozens of times-
The boy shifted, and he gestured for my silence
“The bird has come for me” he whispered
And suddenly he was gone, gone to fulfill the bird’s desires
Now this really is a funny story to me
Who would ever nurse a coastal hummingbird?
But as I lay under my covers, weary and withered
I am forever afraid that when I close my eyes
I will see
My very own hummingbird
That is so good and creative. I love the depth and detail!